Testing equipment produced by the MULTISERW-Morek Company is worked out by an experienced group of engineers and designers in association with the Foundry Research Institute in Cracow and the AGH University of Science and Technology.
Demands made by a modern industry and possibilities of applying latest achievements in the field of technology lead us to a continuation of development and improvement in a measuring equipment’s production in order to ensure an opportunity to equip laboratory comprehensively.
Laboratory equipment produced by the Multiserw-Morek Company is used in laboratories as well as in research and development units. Those devices are characterised by the highest quality what is confirmed not only by their users but also by numerous commendations and medals received by the Multiserw-Morek Company on the International Fairs. In order to ensure the highest quality of produced devices Quality Management systems ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 have been introduced. More information on our mission and adopted by us policy of Integrated Management System may be found in the bookmark: Quality.
The Multiserw-Morek Company ensures a guarantee and a post-guarantee service. Technical department offers its services not only in its headquarter but most of all in user’s laboratory. A scope of provided services includes inspections, calibrations, repairs and modernisation of the devices.